6M Class Page


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You will find your individual pages in the 6M Biographies folder in the Sidebar.  You must be logged in to access and edit these pages. 




May 12

Check out this movie review.  Look for persuasive techniques and forms.




Our Work 


Media Review Voice Thread 


Joke Comics created on BitstripsforSchools


Biography Pages

Past Tasks ( make sure you are caught up! )



Choose a format to show your knowledge of the person you researched for

your biography.  Post your final product on your wiki page.



October 20 - Let's learn about Biographies. 

Rosa Parks Smart Notebook


Check out this Biographies for Kids website to make a choice

of a famous person to research.  Browse and try to choose a person who has made a difference in the world.



October 13 - Today we will be creating a quickie Autobiography on our

wiki.  You must include on your page your first name, 3 facts about you,

 a graphic which represents you (try ImageChef) and

your character counts movie from last week. 

Remember the types of information appropriate 

for a public online social network.

Click here for instructions. 

October 5 - Today we will using Windows Movie Maker to create

a short video clip featuring one of the 6 pillars of character. 



September 28 - Go the the website www.bitstripsforschools.com

and create your avatar.  Create a comic strip to highlight your joke.


September 14 & 21 - Create a new Benson slogan.  Design a poster

depicting your slogan.  All entries will be judged on Sept. 22 and a

winning poster will be announced at the monthly assembly.


Web Sites To Visit









Other Stuff


Benson Bobcat Slogan Poster Video  Sept. 09